parts of speech full tutorial

partion of a sentences according to its uses is called parts of speech. its divided ito 8 parts - (1) noun (2) pronoun (3) adjective (4) verb (5) adverb (6) preposition (7) conjuction (8) interjection NOUN- a noun is the name the name of person place or thing. EXAMPLES- Ram is my best freind. sita is sewing. so ram and sita both are noun because they are person. for places- I LIVE IN MY VILLAGE. AMERICA IS A LARGE COUNTRY. SO VILLAGE AND AMERICA BOTH ARE NOUN. FOR THINGS-- THIS IS CHAIR. IT IS HER PEN FOR ANMALES-this is my horse. this buffalo is domestic animals. quality - honesty is the best polisy. PRONOUN-a word that is used in place of noun. ram is my freind , he is my freiend so ram= noun the table is made of costly wood table -noun adjective- an adjective adds somesmeaning to a noun or pronoun. the lazy dog cant not play. do you take bath in cold water you must not ignore poor students. solima is yong girl. VERBS- a verb is a word that telss about action or state of the subject etc. i bought a watch ------action the girl wrote aletter to her cousin - action kolakat is a big city --action iron and cooper are the useful metals --state ADVERB-- THE WORDS WHICH MODIFY VERBS ADJECTIVES OR OTHER ADVERBS AREE CALLED ADVERBS he run fast adverb - fast ,verb -runs \ she alwasys comes late (adverb-late, verb-comes you are absolutly right (adverb-absolutly ,adjective -right ) he is really sincses (adverb - really0 he addresd me very polittely NOTE- the bird flew exectly over his head. his miscief was decidely above the averge. the train left just before i had reched the station he became lame simply because he had copid a bod thig. adving about conjuction now here sre the adjection about phare luckily ram escaped unherted. probable you was wrong fortunatly the baby is saved only ram has passed. PREPOSTION- ar prepostions is word which show the relation of the noun or pronoun with another words in asentences. gita sits underthe tree. the earth revolves round the sun. he is in the playground. he advised us and went on. above under,round,in and on are the prepositions. COUNJCTIONS- a words thats joints two or more word pharse,clausep\ or sentences is caleed a counjuction. EXAMPLE- sita and gita are waiting for you. i met him near the temple and under the tree. he always creat problem beacuse he is a cheat. ram is studying but her bother is wasting his time. who is stronger than a elephant. we waited until he returend. IN ABOVE SENTENCES AND,BUT,BECAUE,THAN AND UNTIL- ARE CONJUCTIONS. INTERJECTIONS- interjections is a words that helps us to throw our sudden feling out that we haveinside our heart ir in our sentiment. INTERJECTION= inter+jection its mean somthing that is beatween sudden feelings they are the interjections
its mean sudden feelings after sentence we put sign of exclamination(!) EXAMLES- hurrah!we have won the match . ah! you have betryed me in these sentences hurrah and ah! are the interjections part of the speech are the interjections you call her inocent ! what a shameful act it is!

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