english grammer PAST EPRFECT TENSE\ POSITIVE FORM I/WE/YOU/HE/SHE/THEY/IT HAD GONE SENTENCE STRUCTURE- SUBJECT+HAD+VERBS3RD FORM+OBJECT EXAMPLES- I had gone to school before ram came. he had gone to market befor i came . she had eaten food before i came. you had gone to city before john came. NEGETIVE FORM- I/WE/YOU/HE/SHE/THEY//it had not gone. i/ we /you /he/ she/ it had not gone SENTENCE STRUCTURE SUBJECT+HAD +NOT+VERBS 3RD FORM+ OBJECT. EXAMPLES I HAD NOT COMPLEATED MY WORK BEFORE SITS DID. he had not gone to sweet shop before i came. she had not gone to school before ram came. they had not gone to school before ram came. INTEROGATIVE FORM- HADI/WE/YOU/HE/SHE/THEY/IT GONE SENTENCE STRUCURE had i gone to school before ram came had he gone to school before ram came had she gone to school before ram came had you gone to school before ram came had they gone to school before ram came.

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