english grammer POSITIVE FORM
I/WE/YOU/HE/SHE/THEY/ it went subject+verbII+ object. we use IIsnd of verb in this situatioon. EXAMPLES- he went to school. she went to school. i went to school. we went to school. you went to school. they went to school. NEGETIVE FORM= I/WE/YOU/HE/SHE/THEY/it did not go SENTENCE FORM- SUBJECT+DID NOT +VERBI+OBJECT. he did not go to school. she did not go to school. i did not go to school. we did not go to school. you did not go to school. they did not go tyo school
INTEROGATIVE FORM- DId i / we /you/he/it go examples- did he go to school did she go to school did i go to school. did you go to school. did they go to school.

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