english grammer POSITIVE FORM - I/WE/YOU/THEY have been going since three years. SENTENCES STRUCTURE OF AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES- subject+has/have+been+verbI+ing+object+since/for+time. EXAMPLES- I have been going to school since monday. he has been going to school for three years. she has been going to school since morning. we have been going to school for a week. you have been going to school since 9 O'clock. they have been going to school since january 2005. NEGETIVE FORM- I have not been going to school since monday. he has not been going to school for three years. she has not been going to school for a week. we have not been going to school for a week. you have not been going to school since 9 o clock. they have not been going to school since january 2005.
INTERROGATIVE FORMS- have i been going to school since monday has he been going to school for three years has she been going to school since morning have we been going to school for a week. have they been going to school since january 2005

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